Naturalist Notebook

Sapsuckers and Hummingbirds in the Fen

The Fen out by Happy Isles, at the east end of Yosemite Valley, is perhaps the most diverse and interesting habitat in Yosemite Valley.

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Wildflower Observations, 2012-05-27

Lots of stuff is starting to come up at higher elevations this week.

At the house, we got our first Five Spots and Wallflowers this week, 5/20-5.27.

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Blooming, May 1-6, 2012

Already on April 29, we saw Wood Violets (V. lobata along the Chowchilla Mountain Road near Wawona (about 4200 feet in elevation).

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Saving the Large Blue Butterfly

I'm always fascinated by tight and intricate relationships in nature. Sometimes the effects are unpleasant — malaria that goes from human to mosquito to human. But we expect that from microbes.

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Flowers Starting to Bloom in Yosemite Valley (23 Apr 2009)

Starting to see the first flowers come out in the Valley. Of course, El Portal and Hite Cove have been excellent for a while. I haven't seen much in the Valley until yesterday.

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How to Bag a Yosemite Bear without Firing a Shot

[This page is about how to protect Yosemite's bears.

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Butterflies and more, Jul 6, 2006

Who ever thought I'd have so much trouble putting up a picture a week, since I often take 500 pictures in a good week.

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Spring weather wakes up the bears (Feb 9-15, 2006)

People insist on telling me that the bears are not active at high elevations in the winter and sometimes the ranger naturalists are even surprised when I say I saw bear tracks, but during this rece

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Snowy Valley and Pouncing Coyote (Jan 19-25, 2006)

Chains required indeed! Snow everywhere and coyotes enjoying the sun and crust on the snow, allowing them to walk on top, listen to who's scurrying about below, and find a good lunch.

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